I havn't abandoned this blog!

But, oh, have I been busy!

I’ve been working on this special project, and I haven’t really talked about it here yet. I believe I mentioned it two months ago (?!?) in my last post. But I thought it was time to formally cross-blog about it.

A couple writer friends and I have put together a group, Greater Portland Scribists, or GPS. We meet weekly (yes that’s why I’ve been so busy), to discuss our group progress, each other’s writing and to write. Hopefully by next summer we will be able to produce an anthology ebook of our stuff. In the mean time we are keeping our blog up to date with ebook news and weekly (Wednesday) articles written by us. I just posted yesterday myself. Go read it!

Of course, I’m also still working on getting published in the magazines and will try to publish my novel after it is revised, which I will do after I have a short story published. And my 3 year plan is to become a member of SFWA.

So with all that going on, I’ve found myself kinda burnt out of my own writing goals. Time to change that. With winter coming, I think I’ll be able to look inward and really get what I want, and soon. 🙂

Currently Reading
Fantasy: Moonwise – Greer Gilman
Scholarly: Wizardry & Wild Romance, A Study of Epic Fantasy – Michael Moorcock
Writing:(I’m slacking here)

Submissions out
Flash: 0
Short: 0
Agent: 0

On Fate’s Waiting List

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