Magic Appreciation Tour

I’ve just joined the Fall Magic Appreciation Tour. For a taste of what you’ll be getting, read about the Summer tour here.

Starting September 1st, myself and several other Magical Fantasy authors will be teaming up to spread the magical word about our stories. Follow #MATour on twitter, and the Magic Appreciation Tour author Twiter list.

Follow my Tour:

September 4: Posting “It’s Might be Time to Try Something New” on The Vaetra Files with Daniel Marvello

September 11: Posting “On Networking” on The Unwritten with Misty Baker

September 14: Posting “Visuals, Imagery and Crafting Story from Dream” on The Active Voice with Becca Mills

September 18: Posting “Something New, Something Old ” on The Summer Sleeper with Will English

September 21: Posting Lingering in the Woods excerpt on Her Ladyship’s Quest with Tracy Falbe

September 26: Interviewed on the Importance of the Impossible by A.E. Marling

September 28: Posting “A Novelty Publishing Story” on The Novel Project with Roger Eschbacher

Discover your New Favorite Author

Do you enjoy reading stories about imaginary worlds that feature fantastic creatures and powerful sorcerers?

We do! All of the authors here at the Magic Appreciation Tour are as passionate about magical fantasy as you are. Our goal with this site is to help you find new books to read and learn about the authors who wrote them. We know how exciting it is to find a new author whose books you enjoy; we’re readers too.

Help Spread the Word

If you like what we are doing and want to help us succeed, the best thing you can do is tell others about us. One way to do that is to put an official Magic Appreciation Tour Badge on your blog or Web site. The Tour Badge is a small, square logo image that links to this page in a new browser window. If you are willing to help spread the word about the books and authors featured on this site, please visit our Tour Badge page and add a badge to your blog or Web site today!

I hope you are excited as I am about September!

Happy Reading 🙂

One thought on “Magic Appreciation Tour

  1. Thanks for helping spread the word, Cynthia! I hope you enjoy the tour. I also hope that our readers find a great read from among the 52 magical fantasy books we now list on the site.

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