I haven’t posted in too long. There’s no motivation in laziness. So….
Met with a little writing group tonight. The goal was to put down some words and not just talk and good off online. It was a good session. I wrote a page in about a half hour (which is good for me, but not for the story). Then we read some (meaning I read no one else did).

The story I’m writing now (high plains), I abandoned revising the last one (shutter) for. This is the story that hit me like a rock and I promptly outlined. I see it, I feel it. It’s tone is creeping into my daily life. I love writing it (just need to do it faster). I need to finish it by Monday to submit it to my group. Tomorrow I will shred away at it, because tonight I need to catch up on sleep.

Currently Reading:
Fantasy: The Books of the South – Glen Cook
Scholarly: The Mabinogi – Patrick K. Ford
Writing:(I’m slacking here)

Submissions out:
Flash: 0
Short: 0
Agent: 0

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