
I seem to have a weakness for creating short story length plots for characters I spend any time on creating. It is now the 11th of March, and I have no plot for my wizard character. I’ve tried ditching the character and finding new ones and spending less time on development and more on plot. But my brain is not budging. Wizards are not inspiring me right now. For that matter neither are Witches or Sorcerers. I’m trying to hard and stifling my creativity.

Adding to the pile, as I work on my outlining skills I realize that I am not very disciplined in crafting stories on demand. I can do it, but nothing I come up with speaks to me, or has an ending. The stories are boring and I don’t get excited enough to write the thing.

Maybe I just need to write the story by outline and see what happens. Doing so will help me feel out what I am doing with outlines verses characters.

At this rate, I don’t think I’ll make my deadline on March 31st. Hmm… maybe no Internet for a week if that happens?

Currently Reading:
Fantasy: Little, Big – John Crowley
Scholarly: The Mabinogi – Patrick K. Ford
Writing:(I’m slacking here)

Submissions out:
Flash: 0
Short: 0
Agent: 0

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