another sub

I made the deadline for John Joseph Adams anthology, Way of the Wizard. I submitted my story Trials of the Night, no it’s not a vampire story.

It comes in very close to a 5000 word count. I wrote most of it in one day. The first bit came over the course of the week. The very final wrap up came the day after I wrote the end of the beginning, the middle and the beginning of the end.

The words kept coming and I kept driving the characters along their arcs. I had 2 subplots and a main plot. For a short story I think I did pretty well. In fact, my short story crafting has come a long way. I’ll take this moment to be a little proud of myself.

I think it was a really great draft, which I then moved to revise immediately. I didn’t get to let anyone else read it first, or even let it sit for a couple days as I would have liked. I wound up working on this story pretty much right up to last minute. I guess I didn’t remember from college how much I hate doing that. From now on, I’m going to ah, try to get a jump on things and not wait for panic to hunt my muse down. Sit down and crank it out. Plan everything before I dive into the words. This phrase witch has learned. I’ll say that much.

I have a new problem word, “now.” It seems that I’ve gotten over some of my past ones such as “felt” and “looked.”

Maybe I’ll get a chance to finish those books down there…

Currently Reading:
Fantasy: Little, Big – John Crowley
Scholarly: The Mabinogi – Patrick K. Ford
Writing:(I’m slacking here)

Submissions out:
Flash: 0
Short: 1
Agent: 0

2 thoughts on “another sub

  1. Eric says:

    If you don't mind me asking, have you heard back about your submission to this anthology yet?

  2. Cynthia Ravinski says:

    Hi Eric,

    I did hear back, and I got my rejection five days after I submitted. In my mind the longer they have it the better (unless it got lost, of course). So I'm still liking my wounds and haven't posted about it. 🙂

    Thanks for reading my blog,


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