Low-Residency MFA Resource–Now availible

Shortly after I graduated from Seton Hill University with my MA in writing, I responded to a help a reporter query from Lori A. May who was writing a book about low-residency MFA programs.

I told her how awesome the SHU program was and shared my many wonderful experiences. A few other Alumni and faculty responded as well.

The Low-Residencey MFA Handbook is now availible! If you are looking into going for an MFA in writing, go read it (especially the parts about SHU)!

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Scholarly: Wizardry & Wild Romance, A Study of Epic Fantasy – Michael Moorcock

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One thought on “Low-Residency MFA Resource–Now availible

  1. heidi ruby miller says:

    I saw your name in there, too!

    Very cool, isn't it?

    That reminds me that I need to post about this tomorrow…

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