Little steps

I just submitted my fantasy story Soul Starved to Flash Fiction Online.

Next step wait 2-3 months for a reply.

While I do that… I’m going to get cranking on the novel again.

Go me!

Currently Reading:
Fantasy: Chronicles of the Black Company – Glen Cook
Scholarly: The Mabinogi – Patrick K. Ford
Writing:(I’m slacking here)

Submissions out:
Flash: Soul Starved to Flash Fiction Online
Short: 0
Agent: 0

2 thoughts on “Little steps

  1. heidi ruby miller says:

    Way to start out the new year, Cynthia.

    I just reflected on my own submissions from last year and decided I'll submit something this week as well. It's best to keep the momentum going.

    Good luck!

    BTW, I love the new photo in your header? Is that a building from Seton Hill?

  2. Cynthia Ravinski says:

    Thanks, Heidi. Good luck to you too!

    Good catch on the picture. You'd know, right? I took that picture during my first residency. It's in the "courtyard" with the fountain.


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