Soul Starved submission update

As you can see below, if you read from the bottom up, I currently have no flash submissions out.

I just got my rejection from Flash Fiction Online. I am positive though, for two main reasons, and a bunch of other ones.

Reason One:
It was a personal note, not a form rejection. They even said it had a strong start. This is good! It even asked me to consider them for future submissions. 🙂

Reason two:

With their suggested revisions, my story would be too long to submit as flash, but I planned for that with a submission schedule. So I know where it will go next, after I do some tweaking.

So, I’m not floundering, or desperate. I have a plan and am confident that I can sell this story (at some point).

Happy days ahead!

Currently Reading:
Fantasy: Chronicles of the Black Company – Glen Cook
Scholarly: The Mabinogi – Patrick K. Ford
Writing:(I’m slacking here)

Submissions out:
Flash: 0
Short: 0
Agent: 0

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